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The Cause of Liberty


I have a device in my head. My own government placed it there. And now there's an effort to cover that up using every tactic you could imagine, from censorship to torture to murder. My story is the story of a man who fell out of tune with his own instinct at an early age and was subjected to extraordinary cruelty by the US government, but my love for the United States continues to survive and now I need my country's help to end this. 

between good and evil


(Love & Hate)

Good vs. Evil

For most of human history, people lived together in such a way that natural competition gave love the advantage. The person who was the most liked had the greatest influence (i.e. democracy). The reason they were so liked is because their love was vast. The rise of agriculture changed this. Now you had a bunch of different roles in society for people to choose from. Those who think like I do chose to set the example of sacrifice and assume roles that were less desirable. Those who obey the force of hate chose roles that would slowly give them leverage over the rest of the group. After assassinating people like myself, hate began crafting a system of laws and titles and hierarchies that would enable it to keep power. The world we live in today is sort of like The Matrix; one gigantic illusion meant to hide the fact that “good” lost the war long ago. The progress of humanity has been severely slowed but we don’t perceive this because we have no other realities to compare with our own, and because people are not following their instinct in today’s world. You may not realize this, but the system you belong to has modified you away from your true self.

What is the state of the war?

Friends card front .jpg

How do I fit in?

Where am I in this struggle between good and evil? When I was young, I fell out of tune with my own instinct. I stopped obeying love. I developed a more selfish perspective but hate never really worked for me. There was always an internal conflict going on and this caused me to be ineffective at a lot of things, though I was impressive on paper. I received my PhD in 2019 and could have had a nice, cozy science career, but instead I opted to get involved in business. In 2021, I was alone, soul-searching in California and I got kidnapped by people who work for the federal government. They stuck a thing in my head and the "operation" didn't work out as planned. Basically, they helped me get back "in tune" with myself, so to speak, but then they kept on using the device on me. This was very painful and I didn't know who was hurting me, so I went to the authorities. I was then painted as crazy and thrown in jail. Since discovering that a thing was attached to my brain without my consent, I have tried to raise awareness about this while being treated in the worst possible way imaginable. The device continues to be used on me in very heinous ways in an effort to make it more difficult for me to reveal the truth. 

"The human rights issue to end all human rights issues"

Get to know me

Some of my social media posts @michaelgillis68

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"My think tank idea uses competition between businesses to restore competition among human beings."

"Some say that a person is either hate controlled by love or love used for the purpose of hate. If that is true, I believe the world has become dominated by the latter. A greater balance is needed."

"We all like to be ourselves. But not all of us extend this same courtesy to others. This golden rule encapsulates the difference between love and hate."

All of us have different definitions of "good". To some, good is making others happy. To others, good is simply them being in charge. The latter definition is sometimes termed "evil". 

"When it's eventually revealed that the US government put a device in my head, Americans will want to have a discussion about how to move the country forward. Let's not forget that that discussion is the answer."

The Rise and Fall of Nations

Every nation that has ever risen to dominance has eventually fallen. Why is this? Well, if you're one of those people who believe in personal responsibility, then it is the fault of the nation that loses. And because modern society has massive power differentials, we can further assume that the people in charge cause this decline. That's the problem folks. Society is structured in such a way that the most reckless among us gain power. They do things like sticking devices inside people's heads and the energy of that destroys nations. I need America to help me get this thing out of my head and I promise we will make this world a better place. See more about My Mission.

Earth in the space. Blue planet for wallpaper. Green planet or Globe on galaxy. Elements o

Power is becoming more evenly distributed on Earth because evil itself requires conflict in the form of world wars in order to consolidate its power. 

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